Registered Disciple . . . another journey

19 Dec

A slightly different post today, because I am starting out on a new, and slightly different adventure. And this time, you can join me.

You’re reading this blog post because you know of me in some way. Some of you have attended workshops with me. Others have worked with me one to one. Some of you are friends from dancing – others are friends from training events we have attended together. Some of you I have met on my travels – and some of you are old friends from university or from some previous career. Some of you are family – others are friends. I know most of you personally – and some of you I have never met.

And I want to tell you that I care about each one of you.

You’ve been good enough to follow my journey around the world on Many of you will be aware that that journey is not just an adventure in travelling around the world but has a deeper significance in my life at a pivotal time for me.

I think most of you are aware, too, that I have a very deep faith in God, and that that journey is a huge part of what’s important to me

I’m not what you might call a Christian, by the way… although I owe a lot of my beliefs and my background to a history that’s taken me through the Methodist Church, the Baptist Church, the Charismatic Movement and more…

I’m not a ‘new ager’, either… although I owe another huge part of my beliefs to people who might (or might not) consider themselves to be in that camp. 

I’m not particularly a devotee of the Law of Attraction, or The Secret. I’m not a Buddhist, or a Hindu, or a Muslim – although I have learned much from those faiths too.

I’ve learned a lot from a whole load of people who I am sure will grace the pages of this blog from time to time – people like Rev. Julie Wilbourne, Neale Donald Walsch, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Joel Osteen, Joe Vitale and so many more.

I am, simply, me.

I’m struggling, sometimes, to make sense of this world. I’m trying to understand what I believe – and what I don’t. And, slowly, piece by piece, some of those thoughts are starting to come together.

So over at am going to start posting some of my thoughts – thoughts on faith, thoughts on life, thoughts on God, thoughts on humanity. I can’t promise it will be earth shattering. I can’t promise it will change your life. I can promise it will make you think. And if you let it, it may just help set you free.

So, hop over to and sign up for the email updates. I’ll get it posted to Facebook, too, and I will add links into the Explore The Adventure blog.

At the moment, there’s a bit more introduction at My Journey and a journey story at Journey in Tasmania . . more to come!

Oh, and ask questions. Comment. Discuss. When I get back, I’m going to start doing this kind of thing live, so we might as well get started now!

Hope to see you there….

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